Nella foto di copertina si nota il profilo della Florida, cos’ facendo si potrà capire la posizione dell’Uragano numero 6 Nicole.
Attualmente risulta di categoria 3, con un minimo di pressione all’occhio di 950hPa, venti fino a 200km/h e raffiche prossime ai 260km/h. Il suo movimento è verso Nordest ad una velocità di circa 17-18km/h e in traiettoria ci sono le Bermuda dove sono attesi fino a 150-200mm di pioggia con violente mareggiate e onde fino a oltre 2-3 metri . Nei prossimi giorni Nicole attraverserà l’Atlantico avvicinandosi gradualmente all’Europa entro il weekend; ancora presto per capire se poi raggiungerà il Vecchio Continente sotto forma di perturbazione o affonderà verso le Azzorre. Seguiranno aggiornamenti.
Nicole risulta essere il 6 uragano atlantico della stagione. Di norma il 6 uragano si presenta nella parte finale di Novembre, quindi l’attività è ben oltre la media per ora.
BULLETIN HURRICANE NICOLE INTERMEDIATE ADVISORY NUMBER 38A NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL152016 200 PM AST THU OCT 13 2016 ...EYE OF NICOLE MOVING AWAY FROM BERMUDA... ...STRONG WINDS AND STORM SURGE FLOODING CONTINUE ON THE ISLAND... SUMMARY OF 200 PM AST...1800 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...33.3N 63.8W ABOUT 90 MI...145 KM NE OF BERMUDA MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...115 MPH...185 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...NE OR 35 DEGREES AT 18 MPH...30 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...962 MB...28.41 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY: None. SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT: A Hurricane Warning is in effect for... * Bermuda For storm information specific to your area, please monitor products issued by your national meteorological service. DISCUSSION AND 48-HOUR OUTLOOK ------------------------------ At 200 PM AST (1800 UTC), the eye of Hurricane Nicole was located near latitude 33.3 North, longitude 63.8 West. Nicole is moving toward the northeast near 18 mph (30 km/h). A northeastward motion at a faster forward speed is expected during the next day or so. On the forecast track, the center of Nicole will move away from Bermuda this afternoon. Maximum sustained winds are near 115 mph (185 km/h) with higher gusts. Nicole is a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Gradual weakening is forecast during the next couple of days. Nicole is a large hurricane. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km) from the center, and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km). Sustained winds of 64 mph (104 km/h) with a gust to 93 mph (150 km/h) have been reported at the Bermuda airport within the past couple of hours. The estimated minimum central pressure is 962 mb (28.41 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- WIND: Hurricane conditions will continue over Bermuda for a couple of more hours, and tropical storm conditions will continue through this evening. STORM SURGE: A dangerous storm surge will raise water levels by as much as 6 to 8 feet above normal tide levels in Bermuda. The surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves. RAINFALL: Nicole is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 5 to 8 inches over Bermuda through this evening.